About BVV
BHARATHEEYA VIDYA VIHAR (BVV) is the CBSE syllabus based school of Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage(IISH), established in 2006, in National Heritage Centre campus (NHC), Mazhuvanchery, Trissur. The five storied school building has Vivekananda block, C.V. Raman block, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam block, G.V. Eswarji block and Lord Krishna auditorium.
The school has a computer centre, small and large auditoriums, seminar hall, digitalized class rooms and well furnished modern laboratories and library. Integrated audio facilities are connected in all the class rooms for delivering lectures and giving messages from anywhere, in the world. The students are exposed to many heritage materials through three museum halls and material display in different locations in NHC. Traditional values and messages are also displayed in the school.
Value based knowledge and modern knowledge are integrated in the BVV education system here, as part of the syllabus. Vedic, puraanic and dharmic messages, stories and experiences are taught to the students. Text books published by IISH are included as part of the curriculum. Audio and video based heritage and modern subject education is the specialty of BVV
Music, dance, yoga, paintings, tailoring, traditional games, etc are part of the learning materials. Students have the freedom to opt the subject of their interest for additional heritage learning. Messages of great Rushies, scientists and scholars are taught here systematically.
Heritage center visits, discussions, competitions, exhibitions, etc are commonly held in BVV for inside and outside students.